Hon Soji Greets Christians On Palm Sunday

Member, House of Representatives, Hon Soji Adetunji has extended heartfelt greetings to Christians as they commemorate Palm Sunday.

As Christians embark on this significant day marking the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the lawmaker representing Odo-Otin, Ifelodun and Boripe federal constituency conveyed his warm wishes for a blessed and joyous celebration. Recognizing the spiritual significance of Palm Sunday in the Christian calendar, he emphasized the importance of unity, peace, and compassion among all members of his constituency.

The feast, an important one in the celebrations of the church, reminds Christians of the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the confidence of the faithful in the sonship of Jesus Christ.

In extending his warmest wishes to Christians observing Palm Sunday, Hon Soji Adetunji reaffirmed his commitment to better representation and progress for the betterment of his constituents.


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