Concerned PDP Members in Ifelodun Local Government Write Osun PDP Chairman, Caution Against Imposition of Chairmanship Candidate

Less than seven months to the Local government elections in Osun state, some concerned members of People’s Democratic party in Ifelodun Local government area of Osun has expressed deep concern on the selection process of the chairmanship candidate in Ifelodun Local government

A letter of protest addressed to Osun PDP Chairman, Hon Sunday Bisi was signed by 60 party members. The six-paragraph letter emphasized the need for a fair and transparent selection process, warning that undemocratic practices could jeopardize the legitimacy of the election and disenfranchise the electorate.

They however charged Osun PDP chairman to prioritize candidate’s qualification, competence, and acceptability.

The letter reads, “We write to express our deep concern on behalf of party members across the length and breadth of Ifelodun Local Government on the way and manner to select who “will be the party candidate in the forthcoming Local Government election in Ifetodun Local government. We appeal that as loyal and party faithful members, we don’t want imposition.

“This undemocratic practice threatens to undermine the jegitimacy of the election, disenfranchise the people, and perpetuate a cushion of impunity. Candidate qualifications, competence, capacity, good conduct and acceptability to the majority of people in their respective communities should be put into considerations. This process encourages merits as a basis for selecting who to lead.

“There is no doubt that party members across Ifelodun Local Government have been duly informed that the party primary election will hoid on 17” & 19 of August 2024 for councillorship and chairmanship positions resseccively. It is faccual that tactical impositions of candidate on us will deny the people their fundamental right to choose their representative themselves and that woulc undermine accountability and . perpetuates poor governance. We warn and appeal to our grea: parcy to avoid such ‘imposition in our dear local government, zhis local government is a sensitive one as w all know, we don’t want anything that wil. affect our future performance especially, the incoming gubernatorial election.

“We urge your indefatigable party chairman to immediate.y caution the leadership of the party in the State through their respective party stakenolcers in this local government areas not to tarnish your good image that was build over the years by ensuring that the local government election is free, fairs and credible. This can only be achieved when PDP is organized in such a way that acceptao:e and popular candidates is presented for election. We want to reiterate that consequential sympathy of electorates for their beloved aspirants will be worse than undue sympathy of party leaders for their so called anointed aspirant. Please let us choose our representative without interference or imposition.

“This is to ensure that-the elected officials are accountable to the people and that the democracy is truly defended. This party has suffered enough to have observed the current victory than to allow such error to create ummagimable political setbacks. The fact is that people recognize the fact that most immediate former caretaker chairman have their constitutional right to contest for pohtical office but that should not be undue advantage over a popular candidate that is popular and has credible records of aspirations in the party in the past.

“Democracy are predicated on certain pre-conditions. One of them is the attainment of a fair level of literacy. This is to enable party members to take rational decisions in the choice of candidates to represent them for example, such national decisions will make it impossible for unqualified candidates to emerge as winners and in other to avoid endangering our party success in the future election.”

copy of a letter of protest addressed to Osun PDP Chairman

The concerned PDP members finally reiterated their support for the party’s principles of peace, harmony, transparency, and hard work, urging the leadership to uphold these values during the local government elections in February 2025.

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